Bentuk Persembahan

Bentuk Persembahan

Dengan pertolongan Tuhan, pemberian persembahan kepada Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray dapat berupa:

  1. Pembiayaan Operasional Sekolah
  2. Beasiswa Mahasiswa
  3. Perawatan dan renovasi gedung kuliah/perkantoran
  4. Program Musik Gereja
  5. Perpustakaan
  6. Penerbitan dan promosi Jaffray
  7. Sandang dan Pangan Mahasiswa

Persembahan dikirim via: Bank/Cheque/Lainnynya, dengan catatan mohon sampaikan kepada kami bila lewat bank untuk ucapan terima kasih, karena biasanya laporan bank kami tidak melaporkan nama pengirim. Laporan Keuangan STTJ diaudit oleh Akuntan Publik.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill.

“Menjadi Sahabat Jaffray telah membuat Bapak/Ibu/Saudara menjadi bagian bersama dalam tugas misi Kristus untuk pergi ke dalam dunia.  Janji Tuhan mengingatkan kita bahwa segala jerih payah kita untuk Tuhan tidak akan sia-sia.
Jadilah penabur di ladang Tuhan”

International donations

Donations from outside of Indonesia can be made via international bank transfer, through your local bank or a third party, such as Wise ( Details needed for such transfers can be found below.

General donations to Jaffray Theological College may be used for:

 School Operational Needs

  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Maintenance and renovation of lecture/office buildings
  3. Church Music Program
  4. Library
  5. Jaffray publishing and promotion
  6. Student Clothing and Food

Details for international bank transfers

 Beneficiary Full Name: ST Fils Theologia Jaffray

Phone Number of Beneficiary: +624113624129

Beneficiary Address:

Street: Jl. Gunung Merapi 103

Town/City: Kecamatan Ujung Pandang

State/Province: Sulawesi Selatan

Post Code: 90114

Country: Indonesia

Beneficiary Bank Name: Bank Central Asia

Beneficiary Bank Address:

Street: Jl. Mh Thamrin, 1 Menara BCA, Floor 25

Town/City: Jakarta

State/Province: Jakarta

Post Code: 10310

Country: Indonesia

Beneficiary Account Number: 0253819950

Beneficiary Bank Code: 0140397

Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Code: CENAIDJAXXX

Reference field: If you add a note in the reference field, be sure to let us know when you contact us as this is one of the easiest ways to identify your transfer.

Please note that Indonesian banks do not use an IBAN, this field can be marked N/A.

Donation receipt

If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please contact the finance office with proof of transfer.

Please ensure your correspondence includes:

  1. Donor name
  2. Sending bank
  3. Date of transfer
  4. Amount transferred (in foreign currency)
  5. Reference field note (if any)

If your donation is for a pre-arranged project with STFT Jaffray, please note this in your correspondence as well. All this information helps us designate your funds appropriately and provide you with a timely receipt and we thank you for your assistance.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. The finance office can be contacted via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via WhatsApp at +6285281577773.

Thank you for being so supportive!

Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologia Jaffray Makassar

Jl. G. Merapi 103 Makassar, 90114

Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Telp. 0411-3624129

Fax. 0411-3629549

Kontak Pascasarjana

Email: [email protected]
Telp/Fax. 0411-3619757

© 2025 STFT Jaffray Makassar. All Rights Reserved.