Judul : THE HIDDEN HEBREW IN INDONESIAN: 500 Roots Found in the Language of Eden
Penulis : Dr. Wahyoe Rita Wulandari & Prof. Isaac E Mozeson
ISBN : 978-623-89265-0-3
Penerbit : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray Makassar
Tahun : 2024
It was the strongman or tyrant Nimrod who ordered the building of the Tower of Babel. It would be the administrative centre for all humans in his one-world government where Man would rule, not a meddlesome God with rules and deadly floods. A super-ziggurat or step-pyramid allows people to be higher than any flood, above punishment. Charismatic dictators are stopped by language barriers. The one-world language sounds good, but it is a dangerous tool when weaponized.
In Genesis 11, we read how the Lord took our one language (verse 1), the Language of Eden gifted only to Mankind, the Chosen species, and diversified it. The 72 original language families continued to break up, now naturally, so that we got to 6,000 dialects. Believers have an excellent idea of WHY it happened, but only since Edenics do we know HOW this breakup happened.
One of the series of divisions in Genesis 1 involves the seas and the one “Dryness”, the single continent (Pangea). Splitting up the languages made people want to walk many miles to get far from the babbling idiots of the other language-based tribes. Walk ?! Yes, Sumer (Shinar in Hebrew), is central, walking to Southern Argentina or Northern Siberia was easy. Flood-made streams became rivers, then oceans, as the continents drifted apart. Related camels, plants and humans were allowed to adapt to new environments. Some dark Hamites became Australians.
Professor Isaac E. Mozeson’s diverse, global Edenics Team worked for 30 years, documenting Earth’s original language, everyone’s Mother Tongue of Eve. This language is called Edenic, more inclusive and accurate than “Hebrew.” Hebrew is mistaken for a Late Bronze Age innovation by the first Hebrew, Abraham. But this Chaldean monotheist was told to go to Canaan (Gen. 12), to Noah, son Shem or Melchizedek, and especially grandson Ebher who mainly taught him the Language of Eden downloaded to Adam 1, a language they didn’t lose. Hebrew is named from Ebher. The Jews preserved Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, but no human invented it.
Indonesian is Austronesian. As the most populous Muslim country, Indonesia has borrowed many life-cycle and religious words from Arabic. This exposition on Indonesian words' divine, Biblical roots will occasionally treat a significant word borrowed from Arabic or English.
Dr. Rita Wahyu Wulandari studied Hebrew for years but was immediately taken to Edenics. She is a highly creative and successful Christian minister who understands that our Creator blessed various peoples with spiritual paths appropriate to their culture and time. Different faiths were inevitable, but our beliefs in religious exclusivity may not survive the coming era of the Mahdi, Messiah or Moshiach. Zephaniah 3:9 predicts a growing together of faiths in the End Time. It is the recovered Language of Eden that could be the treasured unifier for all of us children of Adam and Eve, whether Muslims, Christians, Jews, others, or those of no spiritual path at all.
500 Roots Found in the Language of Eden
Rita Wahyu Wulandari & Isaac E. Mozeson
Desain Cover: Andre Yuris, Nera Etnica
Publisher: Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray Makassar
In Association with EDENICS, Sarapanpagi Biblika Ministry & Israel Bible Center
ISBN: 978-623-89265-0-3
Hard Cover, 146 pages
@ Rp. 300,000.--
The Book will be ready in September 2024
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